Learning Center

Option One


…It all begins with an idea...

Option Four

Use Cases

It all begins with an idea...

Option Two

User Manuals

…It all begins with an idea...

Option Five


It all begins with an idea..

Option Three

Step by Step Guides

…It all begins with an idea...

Option Six

Data Resources

It all begins with an idea..



We want to make it as easy as possible to learn what nSymbol Tag can do. Why start from scratch when you can tweak a sample? Samples can be downloaded using the Samples app in nSymbol Tag. Here are a few examples of ready-made samples that you can find in Tag …

Connect app

The Connect app lets you call web APIs. Samples are provided for some popular free APIs. Note that some APIs require you to create a free account to test with. Continued use may be subject to additional fees from the API vender (Tag does not charge any fees related to calling web APIs).

  • Accuweather: get location, get forecast by location

  • Currencylayer: real-time and historical currency exchange rates

  • GeoNames: postal code search, find nearby place names

  • Hawaii beach alerts: the status of current and future alerts for Hawaii beaches

  • Random quotes: multilingual random famous quote generator

  • What is my IP: real-time internet API lookup for the sender

  • World Bank: open data related to global development

Automate app

The Automate app lets you work with pipelines which can handle a wide range of tasks. The samples in Tag show how that is done.

  • Process a sequence of steps that can pass data and/or content from one to the next

  • Call web APIs and process the results using other pipeline steps

  • Read from an online SQL database

  • Improve data from SQL database by removing some elements, transforming others, and converting to other formats

  • Convert CSV file into XML which can be processed further by pipelines

  • Count lines in text files and merge them together

Scribe app

The Scribe app supports content generation. Samples are provided that define data, write templates, enter data and generate *.docx documents.

  • Define data fields of interest which automatically generate user friendly forms

  • Use a no-code expression editor to control how content is generated

  • Generate a summary document using client/member information using dynamic lists and date formatting

  • Generate a legal contract (bill of sale) that embeds contract details using conditional clauses

User manuals

(note these are a bit out of date and will be updated soon)

Tag (general use)

How to use the Account and Apps menus, take advantage of auto-update, use the Start Screen and the Samples app.

Scribe (smart content) app

How to define data, write templates, enter data and generate *.docx documents.


Step-by-Step Guides

Need some help? These step-by-step guides will lead you through some common tasks.
You can view the guides online or download as PDFs.

Create basic report (pdf)

This guide demonstrates a quick way to create a new report. It uses the Basic report setup panel to generate some of the files, while other files are copied from a sample.

Create SEO script (pdf)

This guide shows how to create SEO script fragments that can improve a website’s visibility in search engines. It uses the schema.org SEO setup.

Import content from *.docx files (pdf)

This guide shows how to import static content from a *.docx file and convert it into dynamic content.

CSV Import (pdf)

This guide shows how to import data from a CSV file into a form. The CSV import is managed visually by dragging lines to map CSV columns to data fields.

CSV Export (pdf)

This guide shows how you can merge data from similar data files into a single CSV. A CSV export wizard is then used to scan for similar data files, and save them all to a single CSV file.

Create Contract (pdf)

This guide walks through the steps needed to convert a static legal contract into a dynamic contract. It inserts values gathered from a form and defines conditional logic.

Open Graph (pdf)

This guide provides a working example of how to generate Open Graph metadata. Using Open Graph can improve a website’s visibility in social networks like Twitter and Facebook. This guide uses Open Graph sample files to create a form, then exports a copy of the data as Open Graph metadata which can be embedded within a website.


Use cases

Use cases describe potential Tag projects with more explanation than samples.

Healthcare assessment report

Psychological assessment reports are complex and data intensive. This example shows how Tag can organize hundreds of data points and text fragments, in order to generate a (*.docx) word processing document for final editing that may be dozens of pages long.

Legal bill of sale contract

Legal contracts include personal and business information, which can be inserted into contract wording as shown in this example. They can also benefit from conditional clauses, that only get inserted when a certain condition is true.

General use - Invoice

This example provides a list of data fields relevant for a simple invoice, and a single template that generates a 1-page invoice document.



This section lists a few videos that demonstrate how Tag works. More planned!

How to automate content

A quick tour through the basics: data setup, template editing, entering data and generating a *.docx file.


Adding logic to content

A review of how if and choose/when instructions are used to conditionally show content.

Data Resources

No more working in a bubble! Tag is designed to be compatible with well-known public data resources and to connect you with open standards and models for your industry. Utilizing shared models keeps you up to date with best practices and allows you to work seamlessly with a broader business community.

Some examples of notable public resources are listed below.

General business use

Web search and online commerce:
--> schema.org is a knowledge graph that organizes much of the world as a browser sees it
--> Google knowledge graph is a very powerful tool, but you need to know what you’re looking for


Wikipedia knowledge graphs:
--> DBpedia has curated graphs representing knowledge extracted from Wikipedia
--> Wikidata is central storage for structured data used in Wikipedia and other sites

YAGO knowledge base:
--> YAGO is a large knowledge base about people, cities, countries, movies and organizations


--> BabelNet is a collection of synonyms and translations in various languages

--> GeoNames is a global geographical database containing over eleven million placenames

--> MusicBrainz is an open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata

Provenance metadata:
--> PROV is a data model describing the origins of digital assets

Data mining

KDnuggets open source knowledge graphs:
--> KDnuggets is a great list of public datasets for data mining

Linked open data cloud:
--> LOD Cloud is the largest knowledge graph collective on the planet, by far


--> FIBO has things of interest in financial applications
--> FRO is about regulatory compliance

--> FHIR has standards for electronic health records
--> ICD-10-CM contains the terms for the International Classification of Diseases
--> RxNorm is a model for clinical drugs
--> SNOMED contains medical and clinical terminology
--> OGMS is the Ontology for General Medical Science
--> MedDRA is for data entry, retrieval, analysis and display in the medical field
--> CPT is Current Procedural Terminology

--> LKIF is a model of commonsense-based legal ontology

--> IRO is for Insurance Regulatory Reporting
